·        Project name: Improving the condition of selected wetlands in the left-hand branch system of the Danube River

·        Project number: ACC04P06

·        Programme: “Climate change mitigation and adaptation„ (SK-Climate)


·        Project partners: SLOVENSKÝ VODOHOSPODÁRSKY PODNIK, state enterprise

·        Duration: 22.02.2022–30.04.2024

·        Place of realisation: Trnava region, Dunajská Streda district, Slovakia

·        Total eligible expenditure:  EUR 531 571 


The Project „Improving the condition of selected wetlands in the left-hand branch system of the Danube River“ benefits from a € 429 244 grant from Norway through the Norway Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of € 75 749.

If you want to know more about programmes and projects financed by the Norway Grants in Slovakia, visit

„Projekt sa realizuje v rámci programu SK-Klíma. Správcom programu je Ministerstvo životného prostredia SR. Implementácia programu SK-Klíma je podporovaná z Finančného mechanizmu Európskeho hospodárskeho priestoru (FM EHP) a Nórskeho finančného mechanizmu (NFM) do výšky 85%. Štátny rozpočet SR sa na financovaní podieľa do výšky 15%.Viac informácií o programe nájdete na“



The main goal of the project is to improve the condition and restoration of natural biotopes of the floodplain forest wetlands in the Danube river arm system in the territory of the Trnava region, in the district of Dunajská Streda.

The project is aimed at improving the condition of selected wetlands of the left-hand branch system of the Danube River in accordance with the results of the study “Restoration of the flow and lateral continuity of the Danube branch system using hydrodynamic modelling” prepared by the Research Institute of Water Management (VÚVH) in 01/2018 within the project UFE 14 NAT/SK/001306 Restoration and management of Danube floodplain habitats (hereinafter referred to as the study of VÚVH (The Research Institute of Water Management)) and the subject of the solution will be 2 specific lines of the dams G and H (see Fig.).

According to the results of the VÚVH study, the project activities will increase the flow dynamics in the affected area.

This will be ensured by rebuilding the affected lines of dams G and H to higher flows. At the same time, the rebuilding will also allow the necessary dynamics of the water level changes in the area to be increased, thus improving the condition of the existing wetland ecosystem. In addition, the implementation of the project activities will contribute to the optimisation of the water level and water distribution of a selected part of the Danube branch system; to the overall restoration and improvement of the water regime in selected disturbed wetland sites; to the improvement of the groundwater recharge conditions in the affected wetland sites. And last but not least, to raise public awareness of the importance of the wetland ecosystem in the context of climate change.

Specifically, the project activities include the implementation of structural modifications and other technical measures.  The result of their implementation will be the restoration of the lateral connectivity of wetlands and inundations with the surface flow. The technical measures will contribute to the retention of water in the wetland area and also to the restoration of the infiltration capacity of the wetland area to groundwater recharge.

An important activity of the project will be the actual reconstruction of the existing G and H dam lines, during which the level of the dam crossing will be raised to the required level and new culverts will be created in the mentioned lines, which will be able to carry the planned flow necessary to ensure the required flow dynamics in the area.

Within the reconstruction, it is planned to install a controllable gating on the G and H lines, by which it will be possible to regulate the flow through the lines and at the same time the required dynamics of water flow and changes of water levels in the given area will be achieved.

Part of the technical solution will also include the implementation of specific local (lateral and bypass) water corridors to enable flow-through supply of the wetland system and access by water to the information and educational points. Of course, these conditions have been consulted with the protected area manager, which CHKO Dunajské Luhy.

By cleaning up the restored sections of the branch systems, improved groundwater recharge will be provided in the restored wetland areas.

The project will also take into account the potential requirements of the Association of Bratislava Boating Clubs.

All modifications will thereby ensure improved water flow conditions in this section of the branch system, which will benefit the existing biotope and will allow the restoration of wetlands in the affected area.

An important activity within the project is also the implementation of an awareness campaign to increase the awareness of the value of wetlands and the importance of their protection. It will be oriented not only to the general public but also to relevant stakeholders such as the Slovak Forests and local municipalities.

The project area is located in the left-hand side of the Danube river, in the areas of the Baka, Bodíky and Gabčíkovo branches, and it is bounded by the lines of the G and H dams. The above mentioned territory is part of the NATURA 2000 area and it is also part of the territory of European importance (hereinafter referred as ” ÚEV “) SKUEV 0090 Dunajské luhy. Between the recommended management measures SKUEV 0090 Dunajské luhy belong e.g. measures to maintain adequate water regime (high groundwater level), simulation of inundation processes, revitalization of flows, restoration of supply channels, dead branches for the purpose of wetland biotopes rewetting, etc. The project activities will help to implement these defined management measures in the future.

The project area belongs to the list of Ramsar Sites – Ramsar Site Dunajské luhy.