On June 28, 2023, the “International Danube Day 2023”, organized by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic (MŽP SR), took place at the SVP, s. e. Závod Dunaj, Bratislava. The whole event was accompanied by a programme with a number of activities of the departmental and partner organizations of MŽP SR.

More than 200 children from primary and secondary schools of the BSK participated in the Danube Day. The event was also accompanied by environmental activities connected with an educational programme and awareness-raising, related, among other things, to the creation of wetlands. Members of our project team, as part of the awareness raising activities of the project „Improving the condition of selected wetlands in the left-hand branch system of the Danube River“, lectured children about wetlands and life in the wetland ecosystem at the information points of the state-owned enterprises VODOHOSPODÁRSKA VÝSTAVBA and SLOVENSKÝ VODOHOSPODÁRSKY PODNIK. They helped them to make their own wetland and wetland animals and the children were able to dig up Danube treasures and paint colouring pages of animals living in the Danube wetlands.

Other activities of the event were: MŽP SR – LIFE IP Project – Air Quality Improvement – “Populair”, introduced pupils the connections between water and air in the atmosphere and reminded them of the importance of air. Through interactive activities, the pupils learnt what a picture of a flame or fog in a bottle looks like and learnt how to determine the direction of the wind. At the end, they tested their knowledge in a short quiz. Národná zoologická záhrada Bojnicegave the visitors the opportunity to look under the microscope how the feathers of birds living near the river Danube look like. Štátna ochrana prírody SR – Chránená krajinná oblasť Záhorie in cooperation with the LIFE Nature for All project welcomed all those who wanted to learn how we approach the protection of Natura 2000 sites in Slovakia at the information stand. Young visitors were entertained by drawing, making frottage from leaves, putting together a wooden puzzle or a 3D puzzle of trees, birds, as well as amphibians and insects belonging to the Natura 2000 system. Výskumný ústav vodného hospodárstvachildren enjoyed many interactive activities. Slovenský rybársky zväzpresented to the children selected native fish species in aquariums. Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie the participants had the opportunity to get informed about the jewel of the Danube river, fish, Huso huso. Through a hand-painted wooden puzzle they were able to see the size and shape of this fish, which is now extinct in Slovakia, and get information about the ongoing project “Living Rivers”. Slovenské múzeum ochrany prírody a jaskyniarstvaprepared demonstrations of the animal kingdom of the Danube and its surroundings.

During the event, awards were given to the winners of the “Danube Art Master 2023” competition, organized by the Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe (GWP CEE) network together with the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR). Prizes were received by primary and secondary school pupils for their artwork, in two categories: artwork and map. After the announcement of the results, the event was concluded with a boat trip on the Danube for the participating children.

We believe that our creative activities broadened the children’s knowledge about wetland ecosystems, biodiversity and made them more enjoyable event.


The Project „Improving the condition of selected wetlands in the left-hand branch system of the Danube River“ benefits from a € 429 244 grant from Norway through the Norway Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of € 75 749.

If you want to know more about programmes and projects financed by the Norway Grants in Slovakia, visit


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