2nd Technical Meeting

On 29.6.2022 on the ground of the enterprise SVP, s. e., Karloveská 2, Bratislava, second technical working meeting with the stakeholders VODOHOSPODÁRSKA VÝSTAVBA, STATE ENTERPRISE, SLOVENSKÝ VODOHOSPODÁRSKÝ PODNIK, state enterprise, ŠOP SR (State nature protection SR) and Slovenský rybársky zväz (Slovak Fishing Association) was held for the purpose of discussing and agreeing on the final version of the technical solution for the reconstruction of the dams on the lines G and H of the Danube branch system.

During the working meeting, the representatives of the SVP presented two alternatives of the technical solution (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) for the reconstruction of the dams and restoration of the wetlands, which differ in shape and location of the proposed channel for the overflow of small sport vessels and fishes.

Fig. 1 – Alternative No. 1, so-called ‘offshore’ alternative


Fig. 2 – Alternative No. 2, so-called ‘island’ alternative

The affected subjects agreed for processing of documentation for the realization of the construction Alternative No. 2, with the so-called “island” character. Under this solution, some parts of the island will be lowered in a gentle slope, which will ensure a gradual rise and fall of the water level in this part, thus creating space for bird nesting, spawning of fishes and diverse conditions for various species of plants and animals of the wetland area.

The technical solution for Alternative No. 2 is currently being worked out in the project documentation for the realization of the construction, on the basis of which the public procurement for the contractor for the construction of the modifications of the dams will be carried out.

The Project „Improving the condition of selected wetlands in the left-hand branch system of the Danube River“ benefits from a € 429 244 grant from Norway through the Norway Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of € 75 749.




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