On 3.5.2022, on the ground of the enterprise VODOHOSPODÁRSKA VÝSTAVBA, STATE ENTERPRISE, took place a technical meeting with the stakeholders on the topic of discussing the conceptual design of the planned measures within the implemented project, Improving the condition of selected wetlands in the left-hand branch system of the Danube River.
The project partners VV, s. e. and SVP, s. e. presented to the participants a proposal of the technical solution within the planned reconstructions of dams G and H. The invitation to the meeting was accepted by representatives from the ŠOP SR (State nature protection of the Slovak Republic), CHKO Dunajské luhy, OZ Podunajsko Lesy SR, s. e. (Podunajsko branch plant of the Slovak Forests, s. e.), Vojka nad Dunajom municipality, Association of Bratislava Boating Clubs, Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Centre of Plant Biology and Biodiversity of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, BSK (Bratislava region), Slovak Ichthyological Society as well as representatives from VÚVH (Research Institute of Water Management), which is the gestor of the conceptual plan for revitalisation of the Danube river system.
Even a representative from the Czech Republic attended the meeting, as the invitation was accepted by a representative of the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. These technical solutions will contribute to improving the condition and restoring the natural biotopes of the floodplain forest wetlands in the Danube branch system in the areas of the Baka, Bodíky and Gabčíkovo branches. In the affected wetland areas, the water level and water distribution will be optimised, the flow dynamics in the area will be improved and the conditions for groundwater recharge will be improved. Thanks to the implemented solution, the affected area will also be more attractive for the general public, recreational boating and last but not least, it will be more functional for existing biotopes and migrating fishes.
The design of the technical solution will be developed in the next step into the implementation project documentation, on the basis of which a public procurement for the contractor for the construction works of the dams will be carried out later.
The Project „Improving the condition of selected wetlands in the left-hand branch system of the Danube River“ benefits from a € 429 244 grant from Norway through the Norway Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of € 75 749.